How To Mew Properly

In this article, we will explore the technique of mewing and how it can positively impact your jawline and overall health. Mewing has gained popularity in recent years for its potential to enhance facial aesthetics and promote proper breathing. By consistently breathing through the nose and maintaining the correct tongue posture, you can potentially achieve a more defined jawline and improve your facial appearance. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of proper breathing posture, the technique of mewing, and practical tips to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Table Of Contents:

  • What is Mewing?
  • Importance of Proper Breathing Posture
  • The Technique of Mewing
  • Taping the Mouth Shut during Sleep
  • Progressive Overload and Long-term Progress
  • The Power of Belief and Visualization
  • Benefits of Mewing
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

What is Mewing?

Mewing is a technique that focuses on improving oral posture, particularly the resting position of the tongue and correct breathing through the nose. Developed by Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist, mewing aims to correct poor facial development caused by incorrect oral posture. By maintaining the correct tongue posture, individuals may experience positive changes in their facial structure over time.

Importance of Proper Breathing Posture

Proper breathing posture is essential for overall health and well-being. Breathing through the nose allows for optimal filtration, warming, and humidification of the air, reducing the risk of respiratory issues. Additionally, nasal breathing activates the diaphragm and promotes efficient oxygen exchange in the lungs. Furthermore, breathing through the nose helps maintain a balanced facial appearance and encourages proper growth and alignment of the jaw.

The Technique of Mewing

The technique of mewing involves maintaining proper tongue posture throughout the day. To practice mewing, follow these steps:

Step 1: Lips and Tongue Position

  • Keep your lips together but relaxed.
  • Place the entire surface of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, including the back of the tongue.

Step 2: Tongue Pressure and Jaw Position

  • Apply gentle pressure to the roof of your mouth with your tongue.
  • Keep your teeth slightly apart and your jaw relaxed.

Step 3: Nasal Breathing

  • Breathe through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand and contract.

Consistency is key when practicing mewing. Over time, this technique can help improve facial symmetry, jawline definition, and overall oral health.

Taping the Mouth Shut during Sleep

During sleep, it can be challenging to maintain proper breathing posture, especially if you tend to breathe through your mouth. To encourage nasal breathing and optimize the effects of mewing, some individuals find it beneficial to tape their mouths shut during sleep. This practice helps promote breathing through the nose and prevents mouth breathing, which can have negative effects on facial development and sleep quality. However, it is important to use appropriate medical tape and consult with a healthcare professional before attempting this method.

Progressive Overload and Long-term Progress

When practicing mewing, it is important to have realistic expectations. Results may vary depending on various factors, including age, genetics, and individual differences. Instead of expecting immediate results, adopt a mindset of progressive overload. This means consistently practicing proper tongue posture and breathing techniques over an extended period. By focusing on long-term progress, you can potentially achieve more significant and sustainable changes in your facial appearance.

The Power of Belief and Visualization

Belief and visualization play a crucial role in the success of any self-improvement practice, including mewing. By believing in the potential benefits of mewing and visualizing the desired outcomes, you can create a positive mindset that supports your progress. Visualize the benefits of mewing, such as a more defined jawline, improved facial symmetry, and enhanced overall appearance. By consistently reinforcing positive beliefs and visualizing your desired results, you can stay motivated and committed to your mewing journey.

Benefits of Mewing

Mewing offers a range of potential benefits for individuals who practice it consistently. Here are some advantages of incorporating mewing into your daily routine:

1. Enhanced Jawline Definition

One of the primary benefits of mewing is the potential to achieve a more defined jawline. By maintaining proper tongue posture and engaging the muscles in your face, you can help develop a stronger and more prominent jawline over time. This can contribute to a more attractive and balanced facial appearance.

2. Improved Facial Symmetry

Consistent mewing can also help improve facial symmetry. By aligning the tongue properly against the roof of the mouth, you encourage balanced growth and development of the facial structures. This can lead to a more symmetrical face, enhancing your overall aesthetic appeal.

3. Enhanced Oral Health

Mewing promotes proper oral posture, which can have positive effects on your oral health. By keeping the tongue against the roof of the mouth, you can help prevent issues like mouth breathing, which can lead to dry mouth, bad breath, and an increased risk of dental problems. Additionally, maintaining nasal breathing can support optimal air filtration and humidification, reducing the likelihood of respiratory issues.

4. Potential Impact on Breathing

Mewing emphasizes nasal breathing, which is the natural and preferred way of breathing. By consistently breathing through your nose, you can improve airflow, optimize oxygen intake, and support respiratory health. Some individuals may find that mewing helps alleviate breathing issues, such as snoring or sleep apnea, although it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

5. Positive Postural Effects

The correct tongue posture associated with mewing can have a positive impact on your overall posture. By aligning the tongue against the roof of the mouth, you help align the head, neck, and spine. This alignment can contribute to better posture, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal imbalances and related issues.


Mewing is a technique that focuses on proper tongue posture and nasal breathing to enhance facial aesthetics, jawline definition, and overall health. By practicing mewing consistently and incorporating the recommended techniques into your daily routine, you can potentially achieve the benefits mentioned above. Remember, mewing requires patience, consistency, and a positive mindset. If you decide to start mewing, consult with professionals if needed, and stay committed to your long-term progress.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to see results from mewing?

The timeline for results varies from person to person. It can take several months to years to notice significant changes. Consistency and patience are key.

Can mewing help with breathing issues?

Mewing encourages proper nasal breathing, which can potentially improve breathing patterns and alleviate certain respiratory issues. However, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Can anyone practice mewing?

Mewing can be practiced by individuals of different ages. However, starting at a younger age is best as facial development is more malleable.

Are there any risks or side effects of mewing?

When practiced correctly, mewing is generally considered safe. However, consult with a healthcare professional if you experience any discomfort or concerns.

Can mewing replace orthodontic treatment?

Mewing is not a substitute for orthodontic treatment. It can be seen as a complementary practice that may enhance the results of orthodontic interventions.