About Me

Since the beginning of time, men knew their place in society, to be the protectors and the providers.

However thanks to technology and female empowerment, lots of men are now lost.

I myself had become lost. At the end of 2022, I was in a tough place, my startup failed leaving me effectively zeroed out. I was working at Walmart fulfilling grocery orders, with $50k in debt from my business.

One day YouTube recommended one of Hamza's YouTube videos and it changed my life completely.

Over the course of the next few months, I started to journal and meditate, I hired a therapist, joined Muay Thai, lost 10 pounds, and got a job in tech sales quickly rising to the top.

My goal with Adonis Unfiltered is to spread Hamza's message and share my journey that’s only beginning.

Join me on this journey and enjoy the blog form I created of the videos that helped me the most.

When your ready check out Hamza's Adonis school and get direct guidance from Hamza himself!